First of all, you are taking what I said out of context. You mentioned tone monitoring and I explained that a lot of time it is less about monitoring and more about self-preservation and a refusal to engage with people that have an abrasive approach.
"White people have only been dealing with this for a couple of months?" I have been worrying about what I say at work from day one and anybody that has spent any time working has as well. If a person doesn't worry about demeanor, language, expression, etc...that person won't get anywhere. Everybody has to play the game to get anywhere in their respective fields.
"White people STILL can't find the empathy for Black people even though they now claim to be dealing with oppression, intimidation tactics, and discrimination." That is a hell of an assumption and lumping all white people together is exactly the sort of thing you criticized me for. Let me make it as clear as possible. I empathize with black people and with any other person that experiences a diminished quality of life due to discrimination. I support measures to minimize the impacts of discrimination, in particular those that repeal and/or remediate fallacies in our laws and social structures. However, the idea of "I feel hurt, therefore, it's justice for you to be hurt," is not a substitute for good policy, tact, or critical thinking.