"30 Rock’s crime wasn’t really that it’s writers and actors are racists or sexists or transphobes. I mean, I have been guilty of prejudice before. I am a white heterosexual man. White heterosexual men are to ignorant opinions as quills are to porcupines."
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what point you were actually trying to make. You go from criticizing tv in one paragraph to commenting on slavery in another to talking about BLM to discussing blazing saddles.
I've watched every episode of 30-rock. Episodes are hit or miss. The show is a complete satire of the entertainment industry up to and including the ridiculous characters of baldwin, Jenna, and Tracy Morgan. Are the blackface episodes a bit cringe? yes. Do they throw in some tasteless humor throughout? yes. The question is what do we do with that. Do we chalk it up to some joke attempts that fell flat or do we read in something more insidious?